Schmidt Custom Floors
Waukesha, WI
(262) 547-8763Madison, WI
(608) 400-7331



Amy Hoth


Billing Department

Employee since: June 2000
Phone: (262) 899-9390


What Amy does at Schmidt: In the Billing Department, Amy receives all completed job information from the project managers for invoicing. She prepares trust receipts or waivers needed to be sent out in the mail with the invoices and maintenance sheets. She also prepares the daily deposits for checks received and oversees and makes all revisions to invoice


Married with two children: 1 son, 1 daughter

Hobbies: Family Disney trips, going up north, bowling, & getting together with family and friends.

Best thing about working for Schmidt Custom Floors:

“Schmidt Custom Floors is a wonderful company that continues to grow based on quality, customer service, and reputation. Customer satisfaction is extremely important to all employees at Schmidt Custom Floors. We go above and beyond to make sure all customers are happy with their floors.”