Our 5th Annual Golf Outing was a success! This year we partnered with Make-A-Wish Wisconsin to sponsor William, a three-year-old in Menomonee Falls who wishes to have a camper. All of the proceeds and donations from the event will be going to help grant William’s wish!
We kicked off the event with an introduction to William and his parents, who shared a few sweet words and sent the golfers on their way. Luckily, the rain stayed away long enough for 18 holes of golf and activities! Afterward, we rounded up the players for dinner, and to raffle off prizes and announce the winners of the day.
We’d really like to thank all of our sponsors, vendors, and customers who came out to support and contribute to such a wonderful day. And a very special thanks to Ironwood Golf Course for hosting and Make-A-Wish Wisconsin for all the hard work!